iOS: (not yet available)
1. Open the application.
2. Tap on “확인”
3. Tap on “≡” and then “로그인을 해주세요.”

1. Log in to the application using either your Google account or KakaoTalk account.
2. Tap on “≡” again

1. Tap on “추천인”
2. Share your referral ID to others. You can copy it easily by tapping the”복사” button.
3. You can also use your friend’s referral ID by typing them down and entering it by clicking on the pencil button.
Once a referral code is used, the invitee will get 500 voting tickets and the one who used the code will also get an additional 200 voting tickets.

Once you’re logged in, tap on the three-stars symbols (랭킹) at the bottom part.
Tap on the “투표” next to Wooseok’s face.
The number of voting tickets you have will be displayed. Input the number of voting tickets you would like to use.
The number of voting tickets you have will be displayed. Input the number of voting tickets you would like to use.