1. Log out from your account (if you’re logged in) before streaming
  2. Log in only when liking and commenting on the MV
  3. Search for the MV manually
  4. Turn off autoplay
  5. Clear the browser’s history, cookies, and cache at least after every 10 minutes
  6. Watch the MV having 480p resolution or higher and watch it with at least 50% volume
  7. Promote the MV in all social media platforms
  8. Use multiple devices or multiple browsers in streaming
  9. Watch 2-3 videos in between to make sure that Youtube does not think of you as a bot
  10. Avoid using emojis when commenting or spamming the comment section



  1. Mute, pause, skip parts, or fast forward the MV
  2. Change the speed of the MV
  3. Skip ads and use AD blockers
  4. Use incognito mode
  5. Replay the MV
  6. Refresh the browser after the MV has ended
  7. Use playlists for the first 24 hours of the MV’s release
  8. Open the MV in multiple tabs (use one tab in multiple browsers instead)
  9. Watch re-uploaded videos unless from official channels